Anastasios Georgoulas

Dr, Deputy Director of Communication (Academia) in the Advanced Engineering Centre and Course Leader of Aeronautical Engineering in University of Brighton


Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

My research lies at the interface between Computational Fluid Dynamics, Multiphase Flows, Thermofluid Physics and Heat Transfer, across different length and time scales and is interdisciplinary at its core. I develop and apply multi-scale modelling approaches for diabatic (boiling, condensation, cavitation, droplet impact cooling, Leideinfrost droplet impacts) and adiabatic (bubble growth from orifices, droplet impact on surfaces of different wettability, droplet penetration in porous substrates) bubble and droplet dynamics and I also employ high-resolution spatiotemporal diagnostics for the thermal and fluidic characterisation of passive and active two-phase cooling devices and techniques (heat pipes, looped heat pipes, pulsating heat pipes, pool boiling, flow boiling).

Supervisory Interests

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling and Experimental Characterisation of diabatic two-phase flows with phase change (pool boiling, flow boiling, cavitation), turbulent multiphase flows (water-sediment/turbidity currents, water-air/free surface flows), heat and mass transfer, aerodynamics, HVAC

Scholarly biography



I am an internationally established academic in the field of Multiphase Thermofluids with more than 100 research outputs and more than 1000 citations, including 40 publications in Q1-Q2 journals (Scimago Journal Ranking), 7 of which were submitted in REF2021 and 2 of which have been selected as the Editor Pick for the Journals of “Physics of Fluids” and “Fluids”. I am also very proud for reaching an important career milestone with a recent breakthrough publication in “Nature Communications” that has also been selected by the Editor as a Highlight for the theme of “Applied Science and Mathematics”.

I have so far secured £5.7M since 2015 (£669.7k as a PI and £5.05M as a Co-I), with £4.08M since 2020. I am currently leading a £408.5k prestigious Leverhulme Trust Grant and co-leading an interdisciplinary £2.9M EPSRC grant as one of the Co-Is.

I am currently the Deputy Director for Academic Communication in the Advanced Engineering Centre (AEC) of University of Brighton (UoB), and I was also the Course Leader for the Aeronautical/ Aerospace Engineering Courses for a total period of 5 years. My success metrics for these two leadership roles are, the increase of international academic collaborations of the AEC through my wide and established network of academic and industrial collaborations as well as the award of a full five-year accreditation by IET and IMechE for the Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering courses in UoB, followed with a significant increase of the student intake in the last 5 years, under my leadership. I am also quite proud that within 5 years, I managed to bring the Aerospace Engineering Courses in UoB, to rank 7th in the UK.

I have been the Guest Editor for 2 subsequent Special Issues of MDPI Energies (CFD Modelling of Two-phase Flows, Experimental Measurements and Numerical Modelling of Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer) as well as the Research Topic Editor for “Machine Learning and Data Science for Turbulent Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer” for Frontiers in Thermal Engineering. Currently, I am a Review Editor in “Advancements in Cooling and Heating” for the same Journal.

I am a full member of the EPSRC Peer Review College and the Royal Society’s International Exchanges Committee, a reviewer for the EPSRC and the European Space Agency and a Member of the Register of Scientific Experts for MIUR (Ministry for Higher Education and Research) in Italy. I have recently been selected to be part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Facility Definition Team (FDT) on Fluid Physics (including multiphase flows and heat and mass transfer) with the goal to define and develop future facilities that will be utilised for Space Research in the post-ISS era. Finally, I am a member of UK Fluid Network Special Interest Groups on “Turbulent Heat Transfer” and “Sprays in engineering applications: modelling and experimental studies”.

Table 1. Citation Metrics from Google Scholar



Since 2018










Total outputs





02/2017 – present: Principal Lecturer, Subject Area of Engineering, School of Architecture Technology and Engineering, University of Brighton (UoB), Brighton, UK.

09/2015 – 01/2017: Senior Lecturer, Subject Area of Engineering, School of Architecture Technology and Engineering, University of Brighton (UoB), Brighton, UK.

06/2015 – 08/2015: Marie Curie Fellow, Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Laboratory of Thermal Physics, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy (return phase after secondment to Caterpillar Inc.).

06/2014 – 05/2015: Marie Curie Fellow, Department of Advanced Engineering and Research, Centre for Engine Research and Development, Caterpillar Inc., Peterborough, UK (seconded from University of Bergamo).

05/2013 – 05/2014: Marie Curie Fellow, Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Laboratory of Thermal Physics, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy.

10/2011 – 06/2012: Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, International Hellenic University, Kavala, Greece.

01/2010 06/2011: Research Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, Division of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Structures, Laboratory of Hydraulics and Environmental Technology, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece.

10/2006 06/2008: Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Gaseous Fuels Technology, National Professional Educational Institute, Workforce Employment Organism, Xanthi, Greece.

09/2005 12/2009: Research Officer, Department of Civil Engineering, Division of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Structures, Laboratory of Hydraulics and Environmental Technology, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece.



10/2015 – 07/2017: Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (FHEA), School of Education, University of Brighton.

05/2006 – 11/2010: PhD in Engineering (Distinction), Division of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Structures, Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.

10/2004 – 04/2006: MSc in Hydraulic Eng, Division of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Structures, Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.

10/2002 – 11/2003: MSc in Structural Eng, Department of Civil Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

10/1998 – 07/2002: BEng in Civil Eng, Department of Civil Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.


03/2023 – present: Deputy Director of Communication (Academia), Advanced Engineering Centre (AEC), School of Architecture, Technology & Engineering, University of Brighton.

09/2019 – 09/2023: Course Leader (Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering), Subject Area of Engineering, School of Architecture, Technology & Engineering, University of Brighton.

09/2018 – 08/2019: Interim Course Leader (Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering), Subject Area of Engineering,School of Architecture, Technology & Engineering, University of Brighton.



09/2020 – present: Member of the Internal Peer Review Assessment Committee for the Engineering Submission in REF, Subject Area of Engineering, School of Architecture, Technology & Engineering, University of Brighton.

09/2015 – present: Internal Reviewer for the Research Office for External Funding Bid Applications, University of Brighton.

09/2017 – present: Member of the High-Performance Computing (HPC) Facilities Management Group, School of Architecture, Technology & Engineering, University of Brighton.

10/2017 – 10/2019: Member of the Research and Enterprise Committee (REC), School of Architecture, Technology & Engineering, University of Brighton.



03/2023 – 06/2024: UKRI KTP - Development of Thermal Cone Penetration Test (TCPT) to determine spoil thermal properties, Co-I, Leading Numerical Modelling Activities, value: £35k

01/2023 – 09/2028: EPSRC (EP/W023164/1)- A biomimetic macromolecular platform for tissue healing and diagnostics at medical device interfaces, Co-I, Leading Numerical Modelling Activities and Laboratory Measurements with Spatiotemporal Diagnostics, value:  £2.9M

07/2022 – 01/2025: HORIZON-MSCA-GF -2020 - Global Fellowship- SurfProHeat: Unraveling the Effects of Surface Properties on Fundamental Mechanisms in Boiling Heat Transfer, Co-I, Supervising Numerical Modelling Activities, value:  £184k

02/2022 – 03/2023: Innovate UK Smart Grant (TS/W014513/1) -Reducing Maritime Emissions, PI, Leading all project activities, value:  £99.6k

01/2022 – 06/2025: Leverhulme Trust Grant (RPG-2021-262) - AMUSe - Advanced MUltiscale stochastic Simulations of phase transition, PI, Leading all project activities, value:  £408.5k

03/2020 – 07/2020: Networking Action (Internal Funding – Advanced Engineering Centre) - Network Link between the Advanced Engineering Centre (AEC) in the University of Brighton (UoB) and the Centre for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research Institute (IN+) in the University of Lisbon (UoL), for Research related to Phase-Change Heat Transfer, PI, Leading all project activities, value:  £1.5k

04/2020 – 10/2023: 3DMed I3 - Anglo Canadian collaboration on Interface Science for Medical Innovation, Co-I,Supervising the numerical simulation activities, value:  £455k

10/2019 – 06/2023: ENCOM-4 - ENhanced COndensers in Microgravity, European Space Agency - CORA MAP ENCOM4, PI, Leading all project activities, value:  £34.6k

10/2019 – 10/2023:  TOPDESS - Two-Phase passive thermal devices for deployable space systems,

European Space Agency - CORA MAP TOPDESS, Co-I, Leading Numerical Modelling Activities, value:  £70.8k

08/2019 – 07/2020:  RISING STARS AWARD, Internal Funding – University of Brighton, Development, optimisation and application of advanced simulation tools for boiling heat transfer in micro-passages, PI, Leading all project activities, value:  £5k

05/2019 – 05/2021:  HORIZON-MSCA-IF-EF-2018, European MSCA Fellowship, BOIL-MODE-ON - unraveling nucleate BOILing - MODEling, mesoscale simulatiONs and experiments, Co-I, Supervising the numerical simulation activities, value:  £164k

01/2019 – 01/2022:  PhD Studentship (co-funded by RICARDO and AEC), Thermal management of electric and hybrid vehicle components, Co-I, Supervising the numerical simulation activities, value:  £66k

04/2019 – 03/2022:  DTA3 CO-FUND PhD Fellowship Co-funded Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions, Multi-scale numerical modelling of phase-change heat transfer for the design and optimisation of energy efficient thermal management systems in datacentres, PI, Leading all project activities, value:  £115k

08/2018 – 09/2018:  Seed Corn Fund – University of Brighton, Assembly and benchmarking of a mini-channel, flow boiling test rig, PI, Leading all project activities, value:  £5.5k

04/2017 – 05/2020:  EPSRC Standard Grant (EP/P013112/1), HyHP - Novel hybrid heat pipe for space and ground applications, Co-I, Leading Numerical Modelling Activities, value:  £722k

05/2016 – 04/2017:  Innovate UK (132232), LOOPER - LOOP hEat pump ciRcuit , Co-I, Leading Numerical Modelling Activities, value:  £184k

02/2016 – 07/2018:  ENCOM-3 - ENhanced COndensers in Microgravity, European Space Agency – MAP, Co-I, Leading Numerical Modelling Activities, value:  £16.6k

03/2016 – 07/2018:  INWIP: Innovative Wickless Heat Pipe Systems for Ground and Space Applications, European Space Agency - MAP, Co-I, Leading Numerical Modelling Activities, value:  £250k



  • Fellow HEA, since 2017
  • Full Member of the IET Equivalent Institution in Greece as a Chartered Engineer, since 2004



  • Full Member of the European Space Agency (ESA) Facility Definition Team (FDT) on Fluid Physics that will define the future facilities that will be utilised for Space Research in the post-ISS (International Space Station) era.

  • Full Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College.

  • Full Member of the Royal Society’s International Exchanges Committee.

  • Member of the Register of Scientific Experts for MIUR (Ministry for Higher Education and Research) in Italy.

  • Member of the UK Fluids Network Special Interest Group (SIG) on “Turbulent Heat Transfer”.

  • Member of the UK Fluids Network Special Interest Group (SIG) on “Sprays in engineering applications: modelling and experimental studies”.

  • Ordinary Member of the Advanced Engineering Centre (AEC) in University of Brighton.

  • Ordinary member of the Sustainability and Resilience Engineering Research and Enterprise Group in University of Brighton.

  • Ordinary Member of Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Devices (CRMD) in University of Brighton.

  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the 11th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Dynamics with Emphasis on Multiphase and Complex flow, 6-8 July 2021, Madrid, Spain. Organised by the Wessex Institute in UK and sponsored by WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences.

  • Chair of the Session “Computational Techniques for Multiphase Flows” at the 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, 4rth of April 2023, Kobe International Conference Centre, Kobe, Japan.

  • Referee for EPSRC.

  • Referee for the European Space Agency.

  • Member of Review Board for the International Journal of Sediment Research.

  • MDPI Energies Guest Editor of Special Issue on “CFD Modeling of Two-phase Flows”.

  • MDPI Energies Guest Editor of Special Issue on “Experimental Measurements and Numerical Modelling of Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer”.

  • Review Editor in Advancements in Cooling and Heating in “Frontiers in Thermal Engineering”.

  • Research Topic Editor for “Machine Learning and Data Science for Turbulent Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer” for Frontiers in Thermal Engineering.

  • Referee for journals: Journal of Molecular Liquids, Journal of Nanofluids, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, International Journal of Sediment Research, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computers and fluids, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Ocean Engineering, Applied Thermal Engineering, MDPI Energies, MDPI Fluids, Physics of Fluids, Journal of Cleaner Production.



PhD students

  1. Konstantinos Vontas, “Multi-scale numerical modelling of phase-change heat transfer for the design and optimisation of energy efficient thermal management systems in datacentres”, University of Brighton, Status: Successfully completed, 2022.

  2. Marco Bernagozzi, “Thermal management of electric and hybrid vehicle components”, University of Brighton, Status: Successfully completed, 2022.

  3. Mr Francois Clemens, “Development of two-phase thermal solutions for flexible electronics”. Status: Third year, ongoing.

  4. Bhaskar Chakraborty, “VOF and Diffuse Interface numerical simulations of boiling phenomena at meso- and micro-scales”, University of Brighton, Status: Second year, ongoing.

  5. Phillip Morris-Simpson, “Investigating the impact of microplastics upon riverine sediment processes: Modelling sediment and microplastics transportation, providing a spatial and temporal stratigraphic record of identified polymers and sources.” Status: First year, ongoing.


Visiting Research Students

  1. Emanuele Teodori, Visiting PhD student from the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal), Academic year 2016-2017.

  2. Konstantinos Vontas, Erasmus Internship Student from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technological Educational, Institute of Piraeus (Greece), Academic year 2016-2017.

  3. Panagiotis Siampanos, Erasmus Internship Student from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technological Educational, Institute of Piraeus (Greece), Academic year 2016-2017.

  4. Iraklis Chysikopoulos, Erasmus Internship Student from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus (Greece), Academic year 2017-2018.

  5. Konstantinos Vontas, Visiting MSc Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Academic year 2018-2019.

  6. Alexandros Papastolopoulos, Erasmus Internship Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus (Greece). Academic year 2018-2019

  7. Gianmarco Billo, Visiting MSc Student, School of Industrial and Information Engineering, Polytechnic of Milan (Italy), Academic year 2018-2019.

  8. Francesco Latella, Visiting MSc, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Bergamo (Italy). Academic year 2019-2020.

  9. Marco Pavarani, Visiting MSc Student, Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma (Italy). Academic year 2019-2020.

  10. Raffaele De Rosa, Visiting PhD Student, University of Naples “Federico II” (Italy), Academic year 2022-2023.


MEng/BEng students

I have supervised to completion more than 50 students for their Final Year Project (BEng) and more than 50 students for their MEng project. Most of these project where directly linked to my active research grants that are listed in the Funding Section of the present CV.



1. Dan Sykes, “Two-phase film dynamics on diesel injector nozzles: deposition, phase transition and removal processes”, University of Brighton (UK).

2. Claudio Boni, “Flexural Tensegrity”, University of Parma (Italy), February 2023.

3. Emanuele Ghio, “Additive Manufacturing of Lightweight Al-Si-Mg and Ti-Al-V Alloys via Laser-Powder Bed Fusion: Post-Heat Treatment Optimization on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties”, University of Parma (Italy), February 2023.

4. Matteo Malavasi, “Innovative solutions for the optimization of heat transfer processes in food industry”, University of Parma (Italy), February 2023.

5. Luca Pagliarini, “Heat Pipes: Novel Experimental Insights into the Phenomenological Understanding”, University of Parma (Italy), February 2023.

6. Roberta Stefanini, “The food industry between sustainability and Industrial Revolution 4.0: research, surveys and Life Cycle Assessment of materials and packaging equipment”, University of Parma (Italy), February 2023.

7. Andrea Chiesi, “Methods of Acquiring Knowledge in the Open Innovation paradigm: the case of the Chiesi Group”, University of Parma (Italy), May 2023.

8. Federico Uriati, “Design, production and qualification of structural components fabricated by metal additive manufacturing: a case study”, University of Parma (Italy), May 2023.

9. Henriette Knapp, “RFID in complex production and logistics processes in the automotive industry”, University of Parma (Italy), May 2023.

10. Stefania Minosi, “The contribution of nanostructures to the structural adhesives fracture toughness”, University of Parma (Italy), May 2023.

11. Riccardo Gabriele Clavenna, “A new thermographic technique applied to advanced two-phase heat transfer devices”, Politecnico di Milano (Italy), July 2023 (to be examined).

12. Ali Alqahtani, “Experimental Investigation of Flat-Plate Polypropylene Pulsating Heat Pipe”, University of Liverpool, 14 July 2023.

13. Louis Dacanay, “Investigation of spray dynamics and chemistry for high-efficiency carbon capture”, University of Brighton, 12 July 2023 (Second APR Viva, to be examined).

14. Ian Kemp, “Micro-Power Volumetric Rotary Machines as Energy Recovery Expanders”, University of Brighton, 30 June 2023 (First APR Viva, to be examined).



  1. Introductory Course in OpenFOAM CFD Toolbox, 4 and 5 July, 2019, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
  2. Introductory Course in OpenFOAM CFD Toolbox, 25 and 26 June 2018, University of Pavia, Italy.
  3. 4rth International Advanced Course on Liquid Interfaces, Drops and Sprays (LIDESP), 29 August- 2 September 2016, Brighton UK.





1. Georgoulas A. (2021).   “The effect of surface wettability on flow boiling characteristics within microchannels” in the2nd SIG Online Event: Convective Heat Transfer in Single and Multi-phase Flows. Thursday, May 13, 2021

2. Georgoulas A. (2020).   “Isolating the effect of wettability in flow boiling within micro-passages, utilising advanced VOF-based CFD simulations” in the “Surface Wettability Effects on Phase Change Phenomena (SWEP) International  Workshop”, online, 2020

3. Georgoulas A. (2019). “Thermal Management solutions for Space & Ground applications: Development & Application of Design Tools for Heat Pipes” in the session for “Thermal Management in Vehicles” within the “Heat Transfer Research, Education and Practice in the UK” UKNHTC Workshop, Derby, UK, 25 April 2020

4. Georgoulas A. (2016). “Enhanced Volume Of Fluid Simulations of Diabatic Flows with Phase Change”, Advanced Engineering Centre Research Seminars, University of Brighton, February 2016.

5. Georgoulas A. (2014). “Revealing Bubble Dynamics with a VOF-based CFD Model: The Case of Adiabatic Bubble Growth and Detachment”, University of Brighton, 4 Match 2014.



  1. The publication “Experimental Investigation on the influence of ambient temperature in a Loop Heat Pipe Battery Thermal Management System” in the Joint 21st International Heat Pipe Conference and 15th International Heat Pipe Symposium, in Melbourne, Australia (February 5-8, 2023) that is included in the list of publications in my list of publications, has been awarded with the “Best Oral Presentation Award”.
  2. Rising Stars Award 2019, University of Brighton: Development, optimisation, and application of advanced simulation tools for boiling heat transfer in micro-passages.The publication “Assessment of reservoir sedimentation effect on coastal erosion in the case of Nestos River, Greece”, that is included in the list of publications of the present CV, was ranked 7th of the «top 25 most downloaded papers» in the International Journal of Sediment Research.
  3. The publication “The Effect of Reservoir Sedimentation on Coastal Erosion: the Case of Nestos River, Greece”, that is included in the list of publications of the present CV, was selected as a Keynote Lecture in the 11th International Conference on Sediment Transport Modeling in Hydrological Watersheds and Rivers» (Istanbul, Turkey 2012).
  4. Award of 400,000 core-hours of simulation time in the High-Performance Computing Facilities of CINECA in Bologna (Italy), after winning a national competition in the Region of Lombardy.



  1. “ Fire Safety Fundamentals (2021B)”, 21 June 2023, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.
  2. “ Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Module Two”, 21 June 2023, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.
  3. “ Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Module One”, 21 June 2023, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.
  4. “Recruitment & Selection Essentials”, 5 February 2023, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.
  5. “Unconscious Bias”, 6 March 2020, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.
  6. “Data Protection (GDPR)”, 25 September 2019, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.
  7. “UCISA-Information Security Awareness”, 25 September 2019, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.
  8. “Equality and Diversity Essentials (2019b)”, 11 November 2019, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.
  9. "Advances in CFD and MD Modeling of Interface Dynamics in Capillary Two-Phase Flows ", 3-7 October 2016, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  10. “Fundamentals of Microscale Heat Transfer: Boiling, Condensation, Single- and Two-Phase Flows”, 3-7 June 2013, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  11. “OpenFOAM Advanced Course”, OpenCFD, 24-25 October 2012, Munich, Germany."Introduction to ANSYS FLUENT, ANSYS Meshing & ANSYS Design Modeler", 01-02 February 2010, SimTec Ltd. (Official Ansys Reseller in Greece), Thessaloniki, Greece
  12. “Environmental Fluid Mechanics-Theory, Experiments, Applications”, 12-23 June 2006, Institute for Hydromechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (University of Karlsruhe), Germany.
  13. "Image Processing Applied to remote sensing", 20-27 May 2006, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Democritus University of Thrace.




Journal Publications

  1. Gallo, M., Magaletti, F., Georgoulas, A. et al. A nanoscale view of the origin of boiling and its dynamics. Nat Commun 14, 6428 (2023). (Q1).
  2. Konstantinos Vontas, Nicolas Miche, Marco Marengo, Anastasios Georgoulas (2023), Validation of the Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid method and the RPI wall partitioning model in OpenFOAM on flow boiling characteristics within conventional tubes and micro-channels. MDPI Energies-Accepted for publication (Q1).
  3. Marco Bernagozzi, Anastasios Georgoulas, Nicolas Miché, Marco Marengo (2023). Heat Pipes in Battery Thermal Management Systems for Electric Vehicles: a critical review. Applied Thermal Engineering (Q1), Volume 219, 119495.
  4. Pedro Pontes, I Gonçalves, Manolia Andredaki, Anastasios Georgoulas, ALN Moreira, Ana Sofia Moita (2023). Fluid flow and heat transfer in microchannel devices for cooling applications: Experimental and numerical approaches. Applied Thermal Engineering (Q1), Volume 218, 119358,
  5. Konstantinos Vontas, Nicolas Miché, Marco Marengo, Anastasios Georgoulas (2022). A numerical investigation of the solid surface material influence on flow boiling within microchannels. Applied Thermal Engineering (Q1), Volume 217, 119006.
  6. D. J. Bouchard, M. Andredaki, A. Georgoulas, M. Marengo, and S. Chandra (2022). Penetration characteristics of a liquid droplet impacting on a narrow gap: Experimental and numerical analysis. Physics of Fluids (Q1), Volume 34, 057111.
  7. Manolia Andredaki, Konstantinos Vontas, Anastasios Georgoulas, Nicolas Miché and Marco Marengo (2022). The effect of channel aspect ratio on flow boiling characteristics within rectangular micro-passages. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Q1), Volume 183, Part C, 122201.
  8. Vontas Konstantinos, Manolia Andredaki, Anastasios Georgoulas, Nicolas Miché, and Marco Marengo (2021). "The Effect of Hydraulic Diameter on Flow Boiling within Single Rectangular Microchannels and Comparison of Heat Sink Configuration of a Single and Multiple Microchannels" Energies (Q1) 14, no. 20: 6641.
  9. Bernagozzi, Marco, Nicolas Miché, Anastasios Georgoulas, Cedric Rouaud, and Marco Marengo (2021). Performance of an Environmentally Friendly Alternative Fluid in a Loop Heat Pipe-Based Battery Thermal Management System. Energies (Q1) 14, no. 22: 7738.
  10. M. Bernagozzi, A. Georgoulas, N. Miché, C. Rouaud, M.Marengo (2021). Novel battery thermal management system for electric vehicles with a loop heat pipe and graphite sheet inserts, Applied Thermal Engineering (Q1), Volume 194, 117061, ISSN 1359-4311.
  11. K. Vontas, M. Andredaki, A. Georgoulas, N. Miché, M. Marengo (2021). The effect of surface wettability on flow boiling characteristics within microchannels, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Q1), Vol. 172.
  12. M. Andredaki, A. Georgoulas, N. Miche, M. Marengo (2021). Accelerating Taylor Bubbles within Circular Capillary Channels: Break-up Mechanisms and Regimes, International Journal of Multiphase Flow (Q1), 134, 103488,
  13. M. Andredaki, A. Georgoulas, M. Marengo (2020). Numerical investigation of quasi-sessile droplet absorption into wound dressing capillaries. Physics of Fluids (Q1) 32, 092112.
  14. P Pontes, R Cautela, E Teodori, AS Moita, A Georgoulas, ALNM Moreira (2020). Bubble dynamics and heat transfer on biphilic surfaces: Experiments and numerical simulation, Journal of Bionic Engineering (Q3) 17 (4), 809-821.
  15. F Magaletti, A Georgoulas, M Marengo. (2020). Unraveling low nucleation temperatures in pool boiling through fluctuating hydrodynamics simulations. International Journal of Multiphase Flow (Q1) 130, 103356.
  16. Vontas, K., Boscariol, C., Andredaki, M., Georgoulas, A., Crua C., Walther, J. H., & Marengo, M. (2020). Droplet Impact on Suspended Metallic Meshes: Effects of Wettability, Reynolds and Weber Numbers. Fluids (Q2) 2020, 5(2), 81.
  17. L. Pietrasanta, M. Mameli, D. Mangini, A. Georgoulas, N. Miche, S. Filippeschi, M. Marengo (2020). Developing flow pattern maps for accelerated two-phase capillary flows, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (Q1), 112: 10998.
  18. H. Chen, X. Zhang, B. Defez Garcia, A. Georgoulas, M. Deflorin, Q. Liu, M. Marengo, Z. Xu, A. Amirfazli (2020). Drop impact onto a cantilever beam: behavior of the lamella and force measurement, Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer (Q3), 7 (1): 85-96.
  19. M. Andredaki, A. Georgoulas, N. Miche, M. Marengo (2019). Numerical investigation of liquid film instabilities and evaporation in oscillating slug-plug flows, Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow X, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 123: 127-138 (Chapter in International Peer Reviewed Book).
  20. M. Bernagozzi, S. Charmer, A. Georgoulas, I. Malavasi, N. Michè, M. Marengo (2018). Lumped parameter network simulation of a Loop Heat Pipe for energy management systems in full electric vehicles, Applied Thermal Engineering (Q1), 141: 617-629.
  21. M. Aboukhedr, A. Georgoulas, M. Marengo, M. Gavaises, K. Vogiatzaki (2018). Simulation of micro-flow dynamics at low capillary numbers using adaptive interface compression, Computers & Fluids (Q1), 165: 13-32.
  22. Teodori E., Pontes P., Moita A., Georgoulas A., Marengo M., Moreira A. (2017). Sensible heat transfer during droplet cooling: Experimental and Numerical analysis, Energies (Q1)., 10, 790.
  23. Georgoulas A., Andredaki M., Marengo M. (2017). An Enhanced VOF Method Coupled with Heat Transfer and Phase Change to Characterise Bubble Detachment in Saturated Pool Boiling. Energies (Q1), 10 (3-3):272.
  24. Koukouvinis P., Gavaises M., Georgoulas A., Marengo M. (2016). Compressible simulations of bubble dynamics with central-upwind schemes. International Journal of Computational Fluid Mechanics (Q1), 30 (2): 129-140.
  25. Koukouvinis P., Gavaises M., Georgoulas A., Marengo M. (2015). Compressible bubble dynamic simulations with central-upwind schemes. Journal of Physics Conference Series (Q4), 656 (1): 012087.
  26. Georgoulas A., Koukouvinis P., Gavaises M., Marengo M. (2015). Numerical investigation of quasi-static bubble growth and detachment from submerged orifices in isothermal liquid pools: The effect of varying fluid properties and gravity levels. International Journal of Multiphase Flow (Q1), 74:59-78.
  27. Mangini D., Mameli M., Georgoulas A., Araneo L., Filippeschi S., Marengo M. (2015). A pulsating heat pipe for space applications: Ground and microgravity experiments. International Journal of Thermal Sciences (Q1), 95: 53-63.
  28. Andredaki M., Georgoulas A., Hrissanthou V., and Kotsovinos N. (2015). Assessment of reservoir sedimentation effect on coastal erosion and evaluation of sediment removal techniques for its reduction: The case of Nestos River, Greece, INTECH-Sediment Transport, ISBN 978-953-51-4313-0, Chapter 4: 59-87 (Chapter in International Peer Reviewed Book).
  29. Tzanakis I., Georgoulas A., Hadfield M., Kotsovinos N. (2014). Cavitation erosion damage of scroll steel plates by high-speed gas working fluid. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements (Q4), 2(2):168-183.
  30. Andredaki M., Georgoulas A., Hrissanthou V., Kotsovinos N. (2014). Assessment of reservoir sedimentation effect on coastal erosion in the case of Nestos River, Greece. International Journal of Sediment Research (Q1), 29 (1): 34–48.
  31. Tzanakis I., Eskin D.G., Georgoulas A., Fytanidis D.K. (2014). Incubation pit analysis and calculation of the hydrodynamic impact pressure from the implosion of an acoustic cavitation bubble. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (Q1) 21 (2): 866–878.
  32. Kopasakis K.I., Georgoulas A., Angelidis P.B., Kotsovinos N. (2012). Numerical Modeling of the Long-Term Transport, Dispersion, and Accumulation of Black Sea Pollutants into the North Aegean Coastal Waters. Estuaries and Coasts (Q1), 35 (6-6): 1530-1550.
  33. Kopasakis K.I., Georgoulas A., Angelidis P.B., Kotsovinos N. (2012). Simulation of the long-term fate of water and pollutants transported from the Dardanelles plume into the North Aegean Sea. Applied Ocean Research (Q1), 37: 145-161.
  34. Georgoulas A., Kopasakis K., Angelidis P., and Kotsovinos N. (2012). Numerical investigation of continuous, high density turbidity currents response, in the variation of fundamental flow controlling parameters. Computers and Fluids (Q1), 60: 21–35.
  35. Georgoulas A., Kopasakis K., Angelidis P., and Kotsovinos N. (2012). 3D Multiphase Numerical Modelling for Turbidity Current Flows, INTECH-Numerical Modelling, ISBN 979-953-307-542-5, Chapter 3: 45-72, (Chapter in International Peer Reviewed Book).
  36. Tzanakis I., Georgoulas A., Hadfield M., and Kotsovinos N., (2012). Cavitation erosion behaviour of the steel plate of a scroll expander system. Tribology and Design II, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 76: 129-137 (Chapter in International Peer Reviewed Book).
  37. Georgoulas A., Angelidis P., Panagiotidis T., Kotsovinos N. (2010). 3D Numerical modelling of turbidity currents. Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Q2), 10 (6): 603-635.
  38. Tzanakis I., Hadfield M., Georgoulas A., Kotsovinos N., (2010). "Cavitation damage observations within scroll expander lubrication systems". Tribology and Design, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, ISSN: 1743-3533, 66: 261 -272 (Chapter in International Peer Reviewed Book).
  39. Nikolaos E. Kotsovinos, Anastasios N. Georgoulas, (2008). “Maximum fluctuation of the shoreline due to tidal fluctuation”. BEACHMED-e/OPTIMAL, Beach Erosion Monitoring, pp. 73-79 (Chapter in International Peer Reviewed Book).


International Conference Proceedings

  1. F. Clemens, A.A. Alqahtani, M. Bernagozzi, V. Bertola, G. De Sercey, A. Georgoulas, F. Bozzoli, M. Marengo, N. Miché. (2023). Thermal characterisation of a flexible pulsating heat pipe in different gravity conditions. Proceedings of the 17th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-17, 14 – 18 August 2023, Cape Town, South Africa (Accepted for oral presentation).
  2. Marengo M., Abela M., Araneo L., Ayel V., Bernagozzi M., Bertin Y., Bozzoli F., Cattani L., Cecere A., Filippeschi S., Georgoulas A., Nikolayev V., Mameli M., Mangini D., Mantelli M., Miché N., Pietrasanta L., Romestant C., Savino R., Slobodeniuk M., Toth B., Vincent-Bonnieu S. (2023). Toward Low Earth Orbit (LEO) applications: the scientific journey of the "Space Pulsating Heat Pipe" experiments. Proceedings of the 17th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-17, 14 – 18 August 2023, Cape Town, South Africa (Accepted for oral presentation).
  3. Manolia Andredaki, Marco Picco, Stephen Symes, Eduardo Blanco Davis, Jin Wang, Ben Monkton, Mike Levey, Mark Batt-Raawden and Anastasios Georgoulas (2023). Accuracy of state-of-the-art CFD solvers for the numerical simulation of cavitation, particle re-suspension/settling and oil-water separation processes, for oily-sludge treatment applications. 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2023, Kobe, Japan, April 2–7, 2023.
  4. Mirko Gallo, Francesco Magaletti, Anastasios Georgoulas, Marco Marengo, Joel De Coninck, Carlo Massimo Casciola (2023). Capillary Fluctuating Hydrodynamics description of the boiling phenomenon. 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2023, Kobe, Japan, April 2–7, 2023.
  5. Marco Bernagozzi, Anastasios Georgoulas, Nicolas Miché, Marco Marengo (2023). Experimental Investigation on the influence of ambient temperature in a Loop Heat Pipe Battery Thermal Management System. Joint 21st International Heat Pipe Conference and 15th International Heat Pipe Symposium. 7 p., Melbourne, Australia, February 5-8, 2023.
  6. Marco Bernagozzi, Anastasios Georgoulas, Nicolas Miché, Cedric Rouaud, Marco Marengo (2021). Comparison between different battery thermal management systems during fast charge cycles. 17th UK Heat Transfer Conference (UKHTC2021) 5-7 September 2021, Manchester, UK.
  7. Marco Bernagozzi, Anastasios Georgoulas, Nicolas Miche, Cedric Rouaud, Marco Marengo (2021), Numerical investigation on a combined loop heat pipe and graphite sheets cooling system for automotive applications. Joint 20th International Heat Pipe Conference and 14th International Heat Pipe Symposium, Gelendzhik, Russia.
  8. 40. Vontas, K., Latella, F., Georgoulas, A., Miche, N. & Marengo, M. (2021), A numerical study on flow boiling within micro-passages: the effect of solid surface thermophysical properties. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2021). Meyer, J. P. (ed.). HEFAT, p. 120-125 6 p.
  9. Pontes P, Martins L., Gonçalves I, Manetti L, Andreaki, M, Georgoulas, G., Moreira A.L.N. and Moita A.S (2021). Fluid flow and heat transfer in microchannel devices for cooling applications: experimental and numerical approaches. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2021). Meyer, J. P. (ed.). HEFAT, p. 1054-1059 6 p.
  10. M. Bernagozzi, A. Georgoulas, N. Miché, C. Rouaud and M. Marengo, "A Novel Loop Heat Pipe Based Cooling System for Battery Packs in Electric Vehicles," 2020 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), 2020, pp. 251-256, doi: 10.1109/ITEC48692.2020.9161607.
  11. Manolia Andredaki, Konstantinos Vontas, Anastasios Georgoulas, Nico Miché and Marco Marengo (2020). Effect of channel aspect ratio on flow boiling characteristics within rectangular micro-passages. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (ICMFHT’20), October 14 – 16, 2020, Lisbon, Portugal.
  12. Konstantinos Vontas, Manolia Andredaki, Anastasios Georgoulas, Nico Miché and Marco Marengo (2020). Wettability effect on flow boiling characteristics within micro-passages. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (ICMFHT’20), October 14 – 16, 2020, Lisbon, Portugal.
  13. P. Pontes, R. Cautela, E. Teodori, A. Moita, A. Georgoulas, A. Moreira. (2019). Bubble dynamics and heat transfer on biphilic surfaces. 16th UK Heat Transfer Conference - University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK (UKHTC2019-056).
  14. M. Bernagozzi, A. Georgoulas, N. Miche, C. Rouaud, M. Marengo (2019). Critical review and ranking of novel solutions for thermal management in electric vehicles. 16th UK Heat Transfer Conference - University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK (UKHTC2019-076).
  15. K. Vontas, C. Boscariol, M. Andredaki, A. Georgoulas, J.H. Walther, M. Marengo (2019). Numerical Investigation of Droplet Impact on Metallic Meshes. 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2019 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  16. M. Andredaki, D. J. Bouchard, A. Georgoulas, S. Chandra, M. Marengo (2019). Numerical Simulation of Droplet Breakup when Impacting a Narrow Gap. 29th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - Paris, France.
  17. L. Pietrasanta, M. Mameli, A. Georgoulas, N. Miche, S. Filippeschi, M. Marengo (2019). Towards the Development of Flow Pattern Maps for Thermally-Induced Pulsating Two-Phase Flows. 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2019 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  18. L. Pietrasanta, D. Mangini, D. Fioriti, N. Miche, M. Andredaki, A. Georgoulas, L. Araneo, M. Marengo (2018). A single loop pulsating heat pipe in varying gravity conditions: Experimental results and numerical simulations. The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference: IHTC-16 - China National Convention Center, Beijing, China.
  19. Manolia Andredaki, Anastasios Georgoulas, Nicolas Miche and Marco Marengo (2018), Effect of Flow Oscillations on the Liquid Film Evaporation and Instability Formation for Elongated Vapour Slugs within Heated Microchannels, Proceedings of the joint 19th International Heat Pipe Conference and the 13th International Heat Pipe Symposium, Pisa, June 10-14, 2018, Pisa, Italy
  20. M. Andredaki, A. Georgoulas, D. Mangini, L. Araneo, L. Pietrasanta, N. Miche, M. Marengo (2018). Computational study on break-up mechanisms of isolated vapour slugs during saturated flow boiling conditions. The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference: IHTC-16 - China National Convention Center, Beijing, China.
  21. Emanuele Teodori, Manolia Andredaki, Anastasios Georgoulas, Ana Moita, Antonio Moreira, Marco Marengo (2018), Enhanced VOF-based direct numerical simulations of slug flow boiling within micro-channels with smooth and finned heated walls, Proceedings of the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-16, August 10-15, 2018, Beijing, China, Paper No.: IHTC16-23596.
  22. M. Andredaki, F. Villa, A. Georgoulas, J. De Coninck, M. Marengo (2018). Numerical Investigation of isolated bubble growth and detachment in cases of pool boiling with different wettability characteristics: Implementation of a dynamic contact angle treatment in OpenFOAM. 10th International Conference on Boiling & Condensation Heat Transfer - Nagasaki, Japan.
  23. M. Andredaki, A. Georgoulas, N. Miche, E. Teodori, A. Moita, A. Moreira, M. Marengo (2018). Numerical investigation of oscillating vapour slugs within heated microchannels in saturated flow boiling conditions. The 5th European Conference on Microfluidics – μFlu18 and The 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows – NEGF18 - Strasbourg, France.
  24. M. Bernagozzi, A. Georgoulas, I. Malavasi, N. Michè, M. Marengo (2017). A novel lumped parameter model for Loop Heat Pipes – validation and parametric analysis. 15th UK HEAT TRANSFER CONFERENCE, UKHTC2017, Brunel University London, 4-5 September 2017.
  25. M. Andredaki, A. Georgoulas, N. Miche, M. Marengo (2017). Break-up Mechanisms and Conditions for Vapour Slugs Within Mini-Channels. 15th UK HEAT TRANSFER CONFERENCE, UKHTC2017, Brunel University London, 4-5 September 2017.
  26. Vontas K., Andredaki M., Georgoulas A., Nikas K.S., Marco M. (2017). Numerical Investigation of Droplet Impact on Smooth Surfaces with Different Wettability Characteristics: Implementation of a dynamic contact angle treatment in OpenFOAM. ILASS 2017, 28th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 6-8 September, Valencia, Spain.
  27. Aboukhedr M., Mitroglou N., Georgoulas A., Marengo M., Vogiatzaki K. (2017). Simulation of droplet spreading on micro-CT reconstructed 3D real porous media using the volume-of-fluid method. ILASS 2017, 28th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 6-8 September, Valencia, Spain.
  28. Teodori E., Pontes P., Moita A., Moreira A., Georgoulas A., Marengo M. (2017). Experimental and Numerical Study on Sensible Heat Transfer at Droplet/Wall Interactions. ILASS 2017, 28th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 6-8 September, Valencia, Spain.
  29. Andredaki M., Georgoulas A., Marengo M. (2017).  Numerical Investigation of Break-up Mechanisms and Conditions for Vapour Slugs Within Mini-Channels. 29th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, 15-17 May Glasgow, Scotland.
  30. Aboukhedr, M., Gavaises M., Georgoulas A., Marengo M., Vogiatzaki K. (2016). Numerical Investigation of Droplet Spreading on Porous and Non-porous surfaces. ILASS – Europe 2016, 27th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 4-7 September 2016, Brighton, UK.
  31. Villa F., Georgoulas A., Marengo M., Di Marco P. De Coninck J. (2016). Pool Boiling Versus Surface Wettability Characteristics.  Proceedings of the World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT’16), Prague, Czech Republic, April 4 – 5, 2016.
  32. Georgoulas A. Marengo M. (2015). Numerical simulation of pool boiling: the effects of initial thermal boundary layer, contact angle and wall superheat. Proceedings of 14th UK Heat Transfer Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 7-8 Sep 2015.
  33. 15. Georgoulas A., Marengo M. (2015). Numerical simulation of flow boiling in microchannels: bubble growth, detachment and coalescence. UK Heat Transfer Conference 2015, Edinburgh, 7-8 September.
  34. 14. Villa F., Georgoulas A., Salemi R., McDavid R. M., Gavaises M., Koukouvinis P., Marengo M. (2015). Potential heterogeneous and homogeneous flow boiling conditions in a high-pressure diesel fuel injector. ICLASS 2015, 13th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Tainan, Taiwan, August 23-27.
  35. Andredaki M., Georgoulas A. and Hrissanthou V. (2014), Sediment management in reservoirs in order to reduce shoreline erosion: The case of Nestos River, Greece. 4rth International Symposium on Sediment Management, 14-16 September, Ferrara, Italy (Paper ref. no. 112).
  36. Georgoulas A., Marengo M. (2014). Numerical investigation of adiabatic growth and detachment of a gas bubble injected from a submerged orifice at various surface inclinations. 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, 10-15 August, Kyoto, Japan, 2014 (Article number: IHTC15-9113).
  37. Tzanakis I., Georgoulas A., Fytanidis D. Hadfield M. and Kotsovinos N. (2013). Preliminary investigation of the impact pressure from a single cavitation water bubble on a solid boundary wall, using experimental, analytical and numerical methods. 5th World Tribology Congress, WTC 2013, 8-13 September, Torino, Italy, Vol.1 , pp. 947-950.
  38. Andredaki M., Georgoulas A., Hrissanthou V., and Kotsovinos N. (2012). The Effect of Reservoir Sedimentation on Coastal Erosion: the Case of Nestos River, Greece. Proceedings of the TU/MEDFRIEND International Conference on Sediment Transport Modeling in Hydrological Watersheds and Rivers, Istanbul, 2012 pp. 806-815.
  39. Kopasakis K., Georgoulas A., Angelidis P. and Kotsovinos N. (2012). Numerical simulation of the fate and accumulation οf suspended solids originated from the Black Sea into the North Aegean coastal area. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Protection and Restoration of the Environment. PRE-XI, Thessaloniki, Greece 2012, pp. 806-815.
  40. Georgoulas A., Pandremmenou A., Hrissanthou V. (2012). 3D dam break numerical modeling. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Protection and Restoration of the Environment. PRE-XI, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 108-115.
  41. Hrissanthou V., Andredaki M, Georgoulas A., Kotsovinos N. (2011). Impact of reservoir sedimentation on coastal erosion in the case of Nestos River. International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers, 11‐14 April 2011, Vienna.
  42. Xeidakis G.S., Georgoulas A., Kotsovinos N. & Varagouli E. (2010). Human interventions and degradation of the coastal zone of Nestos River Delta, North Aegean Sea, N. Greece. Geologically Active – 11th International Congress of the IAEG, Sep 5 – 10, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand, Williams et al. (eds) © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-60034-7, pp. 797-804.
  43. Xeidakis G.S., Georgoulas A., Kotsovinos N., Delimani P. and Varaggouli E. (2010). Environmental degradation of coastal zone of the west part of Nestos River Delta, N. Greece. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Athens 2010, in Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece 2010.
  44. Kopasakis I.K., Angelidis P.B., Georgoulas A., Kotsovinos N. (2010). Hydrodynamic Simulation, of the Brackish Waters Discharge from the Dardanelles Straits into the North Aegean Sea. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering, 4th IC-SCCE Athens, 7-10 July, pp. 312-319.
  45. Georgoulas A., Angelidis P., Kotsovinos N. and Panagiotidis T. (2010). Numerical investigation of fresh water-suspended sediment mixtures discharging into saline ambient water. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Athens, Greece, 23 -25 June 2010, Vol. 1, pp. 547-552.
  46. Georgoulas A., Tzanakis T., Angelidis P., Panagiotidis T. and Kotsovinos N. (2009). Numerical Simulation of Suspended Sediment Transport and Dispersal from Evros River into the North Aegean Sea, by the Mechanism of Turbidity Currents. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology Chania, Crete, Greece, 3-5 September 2009, Vol. A, pp. 343-350.
  47. Konidaris A., Georgoulas A., Angelidis P., Kotsovinos N. (2008). Simulation of the Discharge of Brackish Waters from the Dardanelles into the North Aegean. International Conference “Studying, Modeling and Sense Making of Planet Earth”, Mytilene, 1 -6 June 2008, Lesvos, Greece. (


National Conference Proceedings (in English)

  1. Georgoulas A., Kopasakis K., Angelidis P., and Kotsovinos N. (2012). Numerical Investigation of constant-volume turbidity currents response, in the variation of the initial suspended sediment grain-size and composition. Proceedings of 2nd Common Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association (HHA) and Greek Committee for Water Resources Management (GCWRM), Patras, Greece, 11-13 October 2012, pp. 107-119.
  2. Angelidis P., Kotsikas M., Georgoulas A., Kopasakis K. and Kotsovinos N. (2012). Non-constructional interventions for flood protection in the tranboundary river Evros: The importance of rational dam management. Proceedings of 2nd Common Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association (HHA) and Greek Committee for Water Resources Management (GCWRM), Patras, Greece, 11-13 October 2012, pp.327-338.
  3. Kopasakis K., Georgoulas A., Angelidis P., Kotsovinos N. (2012). Numerical simulation of the long-term transport, dispersion and accumulation of Black Sea Pollutants in the coastal regions of the North-Aegean Sea, through the Dardanelles Straits. Proceedings of 2nd Common Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association (HHA) and Greek Committee for Water Resources Management (GCWRM). Patras, Greece, 11-13 October 2012, pp. 533-545.



National Conference Proceedings (In Greek)

  1. Γεωργουλάς Α., Τζανάκης Θ., Αγγελίδης Π., Κωτσοβίνος Ν., (2009). Αριθμητική προσομοίωση μεταφοράς και εξάπλωσης αιωρούμενων φερτών υλών από τον ποταμό Έβρο στο Βόρειο Αιγαίο,  Κοινό συνέδριο, «Ολοκληρωμένη διαχείριση υδατικών πόρων  σε συνθήκες κλιματικών αλλαγών», 11ο της Ελληνικής Υδροτεχνικής ΄Ενωσης (ΕΥΕ), 7ο της Ελληνικής Επιτροπής Διαχείρισης Υδατικών Πόρων (ΕΕΔΥΠ), ΒΟΛΟΣ, 27 - 30 Μαΐου 2009, σελ.: 937-944.
  2. Γεωργουλάς Α., Μήλιου Θ., Αγγελίδης Π., Κωτσοβίνος Ν.,  (2009). Αριθμητική Προσομοίωση ρευμάτων πυκνότητας αιωρούμενων φερτών υλών με χρήση μεθόδων υπολογιστικής δυναμικής ρευστών, Κοινό συνέδριο, «Ολοκληρωμένη διαχείριση υδατικών πόρων  σε συνθήκες κλιματικών αλλαγών», 11ο της Ελληνικής Υδροτεχνικής ΄Ενωσης (ΕΥΕ), 7ο της Ελληνικής Επιτροπής Διαχείρισης Υδατικών Πόρων (ΕΕΔΥΠ), ΒΟΛΟΣ, 27 - 30 Μαΐου, σελ.: 411-418.
  3. Σαμαράς, Α., Γεωργουλάς, Α., Βαλσαμίδης, Α., Κουτίτας, Χ., Ξειδάκης, Γ., Κωτσοβίνος, (2008). Ν., Διερεύνηση επίδρασης των ανθρωπίνων επεμβάσεων στην ακτομορφολογία. Η περίπτωση του ποταμού Νέστου, Πρακτικά 4ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου "Διαχείριση και Βελτίωση Παράκτιων Ζωνών", Μυτιλήνη, 23-27 Σεπτεμβρίου.
  4. Βαλσαμίδης,Α., Σαμαράς,Α., Γεωργουλάς,Α., Κουτίτας,Χ., Κωτσοβίνος,Ν., (2008) Πρόβλεψη τεσσαρακονταετίας της μεταβολής της ακτογραμμής στην ευρύτερη περιοχή του λιμένα Αλεξανδρούπολης με τη χρήση του λογισμικού CEDAS, Πρακτικά 4ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου «Διαχείριση και Βελτίωση Παράκτιων Ζωνών», Μυτιλήνη,  23-27 Σεπτεμβρίου.
  5. Γεωργουλάς Α., Κονιδάρης Α., Αγγελίδης Π., Κωτσοβίνος Ν., (2006) Επίδραση της δύναμης Coriolis στην εκροή υφάλμυρων υδάτων από τα Δαρδανέλια στο Βόρειο Αιγαίο“, 10O Πανελλήνιο επιστημονικό συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Υδροτεχνικής Ένωσης, Ξάνθη 2006, Τόμος Α, σελ.: 315-322.
  6. Κονιδάρης Α., Γεωργουλάς Α., Αγγελίδης Π., Κωτσοβίνος Ν., (2006) Υπολογιστική προσομοίωση της εκροής από τον Ελλήσποντο στο Β. Αιγαίο, 10O Πανελλήνιο επιστημονικό συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Υδροτεχνικής Ένωσης, Ξάνθη 2006, Τόμος A, σελ: 355-362.



International Workshop Presentations

  1. Vontas K., Andredaki M., Georgoulas A., Nikas K.S., Marco M. (2017). Numerical Investigation of Droplet Impact on Surfaces with Different Wettability, Utilising Different Contact Angle Treatments. DIPSI Workshop 2017 (Droplet Impact Phenomena & Spray Investigations), Bergamo, Italy, 26 May 2017.
  2. Teodori E., Pontes P., Moita A.S., Moreira A.L.N., Georgoulas A., Marengo M. (2017), Experimental and Numerical Study on Sensible Heat Transfer at Droplet impingement. DIPSI Workshop 2017 (Droplet Impact Phenomena & Spray Investigations), Bergamo, Italy, 26 May 2017.
  3. Aboukhedr M., Georgoulas A., Gavaises M., Marengo M., Vogiatzaki K. (2016). A Novel Microfluidic Framework Introduced for Low Capillary Number Moving Interface. PMPM and UK, InterPore Joint Annual Workshop, January 13- 15, 2016.



2019 – present: Aerospace Fluid and Thermal Systems (University of Brighton, Instructor of Heat Transfer Theory and Practical Lab Sessions in Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Year 3, Spring Term).

2019 – present: Thermofluids (University of Brighton, Instructor of Heat Transfer Theory and Practical Lab Sessions in Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Year 3, Spring Term).

2018 – present: Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics for Automotive Applications (University of Brighton, Module leader and Instructor, Year 4 MEng, Autumn Term).

2018 – present: Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics for Mechanical Applications (University of Brighton, Module Leader and Instructor, Year 4 MEng, Autumn Term).

2018 – present: Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics for Aerospace Applications (University of Brighton, Module Leader and Instructor, Year 4 MEng, Autumn Term).

2015 – present: Individual Project (Supervisor of Final Year Projects, Year 1, year-long).

2022 – 2023: Digital Fabrication Methods (University of Brighton, Instructor, Year 1, Spring Term).

2020 – 2021: Advances and Applications in Fluid Dynamics for Aeronautical Engineering (University of Brighton, Module Leader and Instructor, Year 3, Autumn Term).

2017 – 2023: Advances and Applications in Fluid Dynamics for Mechanical Engineering (University of Brighton, Module Leader and Instructor, Year 3, Autumn Term).

2015 – 2017: Instrumentation and Testing (University of Brighton, Instructor, Year 2, Autumn Term)

2015 – 2017: Major Team Project (Instructor, Year 4 MEng, year-long).

2015 – 2017: Design and Applications Project (University of Brighton, Instructor, Year 1, year-long).

2013 – 2015: Training Courses on the use of Open-source CAD and CFD tools (University of Bergamo, Instructor, MSc and PhD Students, 2-Week Intensive Course).

2011-1012: Fluid Mechanics II (Technological Educational Institute of Kavala, Year 1, Autumn Term).

2011-1012: Fluid Mechanics I (Technological Educational Institute of Kavala, Year 1, Spring Term).

2011-1012: Experimental Hydraulics (Democritus University of Thrace, Instructor, BEng, Spring Term).

2011-1012: Suspended Sediment Transport (Democritus University of Thrace, Instructor, MSc, Spring Term).

2007-2008: Basic Principles of Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (National Professional Educational Institute, Workforce Employment Organism, Xanthi, Greece, Module Leader, Year 2, Spring Term).

2006-2007: Basic Principles of Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (National Professional Educational Institute, Workforce Employment Organism, Xanthi, Greece, Module Leader, Year 2, Spring Term).

2006-2007: Technology of Materials (National Professional Educational Institute, Workforce Employment Organism, Xanthi, Greece, Module Leader, Year 2, Autumn Term).

2006-2007: Installations of Gaseous Fuels (National Professional Educational Institute, Workforce Employment Organism, Xanthi, Greece, Module Leader, Year 2, Autumn Term).


Education/Academic qualification

Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (FHEA), University of Brighton

1 Oct 201531 Jul 2017

Award Date: 31 Jul 2017

PhD, Numerical Simulation of Turbidity Currents , Democritus University of Thrace

1 Oct 200615 Nov 2010

Award Date: 15 Nov 2010

Master, Hydraulic Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace

1 Oct 200530 Apr 2006

Award Date: 30 Apr 2006

Master, Structural Engineering, Heriot-Watt University

1 Oct 200230 Nov 2003

Award Date: 30 Nov 2003

Bachelor, Civil Engineering, Heriot-Watt University

1 Oct 199831 Jul 2002

Award Date: 31 Jul 2002

External positions

Full Member of the Royal Society’s International Exchanges Committee, Royal Society

17 Nov 202331 Dec 2026

Full Member of the European Space Agency (ESA) Facility Definition Team (FDT) on Fluid Physics that will define the future facilities that will be utilised for Space Research in the post-ISS (International Space Station) era., ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

1 Nov 202331 Dec 2024

Member of the Register of Scientific Experts for MIUR (Ministry for Higher Education and Research) in Italy

23 Jun 2021 → …

Full Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

31 Jan 2020 → …

Marie Curie Fellow, University of Bergamo

1 Jun 201531 Aug 2015

Marie Curie Fellow

1 Jun 201431 May 2015

Marie Curie Fellow, University of Bergamo

1 May 201331 May 2014

Adjunct Lecturer, International Hellenic University

1 Oct 201130 Jun 2012

Research Fellow, Democritus University of Thrace

1 Jan 201030 Jun 2011


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