Visitor access
External library membership is required to visit and have access to University of Brighton Libraries, please see the relevant external membership tab for further information.
Exceptions to the requirement to join as an external member
- Designated carers who have been identified as part of a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) for a member of staff, student or external member of University of Brighton libraries.
- Under 18 year olds visiting during library help desk opening hours supervised by a parent or guardian who is a member of University of Brighton staff or a University of Brighton student with a valid Unicard.
SCONUL access
Staff and students from other universities may be able to join for free via the SCONUL Access scheme.
If your application is approved via SCONUL Access you will need to complete a University of Brighton library membership application form and email this to
Due to licensing reasons online resources are not accessible to external library members. Libraries and non-bookable library study spaces can be accessed by external members during vacation opening hours and in term time between the hours of 08.30–20.00 Monday to Friday and 12.00–16.00 at weekends. The University of Brighton external library membership card will need to be shown to access libraries.
Queenwood Library
Due to the Eastbourne campus closure access to Queenwood Library for externals including SCONUL Access members has ended.
External membership including visitor access
External membership cost: £20 per year.
The paid External membership is for over 18s only and entitles you to borrow six books, for three weeks at a time, from any of our libraries. Loans will be automatically renewed if not required by another borrower. Libraries and non-bookable library study spaces can be accessed by externals members during vacation opening hours and in term time between the hours of 08.30–20.00 Monday to Friday and 12.00–16.00 at weekends. The University of Brighton external library membership card will need to be shown to access libraries.
Our libraries specialise in particular subjects so we recommend you search our library catalogue to find out which library holds the books you are interested in and on your application form request to collect your membership card from that site.
Please email the application form to and you will be contacted once your library card is ready for collection.
Students on Access to Higher Education courses at colleges in the LASER Learning Awards Access Validating Agency are entitled to free membership for the duration of their course.
Queenwood Library
Due to the Eastbourne campus closure access to Queenwood Library for externals including SCONUL Access members has ended.
Alumni and retired staff
University of Brighton graduates and retired staff are entitled to free library access, renewable annually.
External membership allows you to reserve and borrow up to six books for three weeks at a time. Due to licensing reasons online resources are not accessible to external library members. Libraries and non-bookable library study spaces can be accessed by external members during vacation opening hours and in term time between the hours of 08.30–20.00 Monday to Friday and 12.00–16.00 at weekends. The University of Brighton external library membership card will need to be shown to access libraries.
To apply please complete an alumni application form and email it to