Under Professor Moore’s leadership the University of Brighton, in collaboration the University of Brighton, Southampton University and Kings College, London, led in the formation of the National Physiotherapy Research Network, which merged into the Allied Health Professions Research Network (AHPRN) in 2012.
The creation of the network, of which Professor Moore has been the chair and now the Director, meant Allied Health Professionals being able to work together more closely in the fields of research.
The network utilises 23 research hubs across the UK and Republic of Ireland, in its work. It has representation from a range of health professions in addition to physiotherapists, including Art Therapists, Drama Therapists, Music Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Orthotists and Prosthetists, Podiatrists, Speech and Language Therapists, Dieticians, Radiographers and Orthoptists.
From this broader membership base, the network can facilitate more sharing of expertise and allow the most to be made of the research resources available across the Allied Health Professions.
The AHPRN recently became the Council for AHP Research (CAHPR) and was launched in 2014. Its mission is to develop allied health profession research, strengthen evidence of the professions’ value and impact for enhancing service user and community care, and enable the professions to speak with one voice on research issues, thereby raising their profile and increasing their influence. CAHPR is supported by 12 AHP professional organisations and comprises a strategy committee, an AHP professoriate and a UK wide regional Hub network
CAHPR provides excellent opportunities for learning, sharing, networking, collaborations and access to advice and support. CAHPR strengthens the professions’ research activities and outputs facilitating the translation of research findings into practice and education.