The University Executive Board assists the Vice-Chancellor in overseeing the strategic direction of the university and delivering its vision. The board ensures that there is effective leadership, management and co-ordination of all the major academic and support activities. The board monitors and interprets external events and policy directions to understand any likely impact on the university.
The University Executive Board is responsible for developing the detailed strategic plans to deliver to university's strategy. The board provides the Board of Governors and its committees with executive reports, draft budgets and accounts, key performance indicators, benchmarking information, capital investment plans and reports on risk management.
The Leadership Forum comprises four groups with devolved and defined decision-making powers and accountable to the University Executive Board: Academic Leadership Group, Operations Leadership Group, Estates Leadership Group, Investment and Cost Management Group.
The Vice-Chancellor and the University Executive Board take key executive decisions to ensure that the institution operates efficiently and effectively.
University Executive Board Register of Interests 2022–23 (pdf)
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students)
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Knowledge Exchange)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Registrar and Secretary
Chief People Officer
Chief Finance Officer
Chief Property and Infrastructure Officer