This year the University of Brighton has three Royal Literary Fund Fellows – Sharon Duggal, Ed Harris and Beth Miller, all published writers with extensive teaching experience.
They can work with you one-to-one, using their expertise in written language and communication to help you develop your academic writing skills.
The sessions, conducted online, focus on your specific writing needs. Topics you might discuss include:
- understanding the title
- essay planning
- structuring your argument
- writing clearly
- critical thinking
- rewriting and editing.
How does it work?
They offer both online and face to face sessions.
Students meet the Fellow on a purely voluntary basis.
The 50-minute sessions are free and confidential and must be booked in advance.
Sharon offer sessions on Wednesday and Thursdays, Beth offers sessions on Tuesdays and Ed offers sessions on Fridays.
Booking an appointment
Email Sharon Duggal (, Ed Harris ( or Beth Miller ( to book an appointment, and they’ll reply with a link to the booking system.
Need to know…
If appropriate, you can submit the written work you wish to discuss in advance.
While Royal Literary Fund Fellows can advise on aspects of style or structure, they are not subject specialists or substitute tutors, so they don’t advise on content.
They are also not there to edit or correct work before handing in – ideally, the focus is on an early draft of writing or a section of a draft.