You can apply using our online form from Monday 2 October 2023.
Braille or audio versions are also available (allow two weeks from request).
Before you apply please make sure you have copies of the following as you will be asked to upload them to the application form:
Financial documents
- Bank statements from all your bank accounts, both those held in the UK and overseas for the last three months.
- If you are living with a partner or spouse, bank statements from all of their bank accounts, both those held in the UK and overseas for the last three months
- Please explain any credits or debits of over £100 of the equivalent in another currency. You can do this by adding notes to the bank statements themselves, or by providing a list of credits and debits from all accounts over £100 with a note next to them to explain what they were for.
Proof of accommodation
- Your tenancy agreement, halls contract or other proof of your accommodation and rent.
- If you have paid any rent in advance, please provide proof of this e.g. receipts, proof of bank transfer, email from letting agent.
Evidence of the personal circumstances causing hardship
Some examples are provided below. This list is not exhaustive, and we may contact you following your application to ask for further documents.
Course costs
Receipts for materials purchased, with brief explanation of what they are for, or list of materials with prices. Email from your course leader to you confirming these costs are reasonable.
Long term health condition, or disability which affects your ability to work
Letter from your GP or another medical professional confirming how your disability of health condition affects your ability to work.
Assistive technology like Dragon naturally speaking, or note taking software.
An email from your Learning Support Coordinator to confirm the relevant technology.
Unexpected expense which has left you in hardship
Receipts or invoices for any items, travel or services purchased. Any other documents that relate to these purchases – e.g. if you needed to return home urgently due to a family member’s ill health please provide evidence of their health condition.
Unexpected reduction in your income
If you are supported by your family and they are unable to send you as much money as usual, we would require a letter from them to outline what their financial issue was, how much the funding was reduced by, and when they expected to be able to resume funding at the previous rate.
If you were working part-time and lost your job, please provide your P45 if you have one. This is a document issued by an employer when a member of staff stops working for them).
If you do not have a P45 or are applying because you are still working but your hours have been reduced, please provide your payslips for the last 3 months.
In all cases
You will know best what documents you can provide to support your application. If you are not sure, please check your situation with the International Advisers who can advise on what other documents to provide.